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Supporting Local Tourism Episode 11, Caetani Cultural Center

By Samantha Sewell in Canada 2490 views 24th Apr, 2021 Video Duration: N/A   3401 Pleasant Valley Rd, Vernon, BC V1T 4L4, Canada
This week on "Supporting Local Tourism" we were in Vernon British Columbia visiting the Caetani Cultural center, and learning about Sveva Caetani and her life as well as her art.
Joining me in the video, this week is Gabriel from the Caetani Cultural center sharing with us some exciting news and what the center has to offer!
Keep an eye out on their website https://www.caetani.org/ for upcoming events and how you can support the center!
Special Thanks to Caetani Cultural center for welcoming me to their grounds during off-hours to film the video! And to Gabriel for meeting me during his day off!

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  • Great vid. Had no idea they existed.
  • A hidden gem for sure!! Defiantly worth a visit. Rumor has it it is haunted, in fact at one point our camera stopped working and Gabriel informed usA hidden gem for sure!! Defiantly worth a visit. Rumor has it it is haunted, in fact at one point our camera stopped working and Gabriel informed us it happens all the time, and that weird static would appear in the camera...though and behold our camera had some odd static on some footage.   More ...
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