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Skipper Dan’s Fishing Shed - Quidi Vidi Village, Newfoundland

By Cora Lee Rennie in Newfoundland 1031 views 18th Feb, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   Quidi Vidi, St. John's, NL, Canada
Located on the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland, Canada, picturesque Quidi Vidi Village is a popular destination for tourists and local photographers.  The fishing sheds and stages located under the cliffs of the "gut" are Quidi Vidi icons.  During my stay in Quidi Vidi I randomly made friends with a local man named "Smitty" and he took me to the famous red 2 story shed to meet the owner "Skipper Dan".  We told stories, drank Dominion Ale beer, enjoyed the wood stove and the stunning views of seaside village.  It was a day to remember! In closure, if visiting Newfoundland and Labrador, don't be shy to strike up a conversation with the locals.  The older fishermen love telling their tales of the sea - which to me is always a special  memorable experience. 
Additionally, the shed was used as a film set for locally filmed TV show Hudson and Rex. The episode is called “Flare of the Dog”.

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