Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail in Merritt BC. Although the trees are bare, the birds are there. Mallard ducks with a few crows, ravens, and an occasional human. Taking advantage of low foot traffic at the Coldwater River Trail with a...
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail in Merritt BC. Although the trees are bare, the birds are there. Mallard ducks with a few crows, ravens, and an occasional human. Taking advantage of low foot traffic at the Coldwater River Trail with a feathered photo shoot in Merritt BC.
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail Merritt BC during the spring months. With the river being low and stark, makes it easy to spot these colorful Mallard Ducks.
Birdwatching along the Coldwater River Trail Merritt BC during the spring gives you the opportunity to get close up to these colorful Mallard ducks, without disturbing their habitat.
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail Park in the Nicola Valley BC can be an educational learning experience for children. My grandson can now tell the difference between a crow and a Mallard duck.
Birdwatching Coldwater River Merritt BC has changed since the floods of 2022, altering the river flow and the park trail. Although, the land has changed, the wildlife seems to be unaffected.
Birdwatching at Coldwater River Trail Merritt BC this evening with my grandson. Helping to install a bird watching mindfulness in him. An up-and-coming future bird watcher.
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail in Merritt BC offers a natural bird observatory for all bird lovers. Central to Merritt's downtown business area. Truly convenient for a relaxing lunch time stroll.
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail in Merritt BC during the last hours of the day. With less traffic and wildlife settling down for the night gives a surreal feeling of being alone with nature. Male mallards, known as "drakes," have bright green...
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail in Merritt BC during the last hours of the day. With less traffic and wildlife settling down for the night gives a surreal feeling of being alone with nature. Male mallards, known as "drakes," have bright green heads, yellow beaks, cream-colored bodies, with dark brown chests. .
Birdwatching Coldwater River Trail in Merritt BC gives you the feeling of being in the backcountry, while only minutes from Merritt's downtown shopping stores.