Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Bird witching in Merritt, BC. Observing these playful fruit loving Cedar Waxwing's each year is a welcome event. Even if they raid our strawberry patch.
4 March 2023
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Bird watchers in Merritt, BC don't have to go far when these playful Cedar Waxwings visit. Always interesting to watch how they groom each other.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
These sociable non-territorial birds are seen in large flocks this net will not keep them from plucking strawberries to enjoy. Making bird watching a joy in Merritt, BC
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Cedar waxwings are attracted to running water. Feed during the day on fresh berries here in the Nicola Valley, BC. I often observe them playing in the sprinklers.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Bird watching in Merritt, BC. often brings a lot of delight. Especially watching these Cedar waxwings share a strawberry.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Strawberry fanatics, Cedar waxwings will invade your backyard for some time. When the fruit is gone, they leave Merritt, BC.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Bird watchers in Merritt, BC welcome these beautiful avian visitors each year. The mere presence of birds makes us happier.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
As an avid bird watcher, I only have to hear their high-pitched twittering to know they are back. Cedar waxwings are one of my favorite's birds to observe here in the Nicola Valley, BC.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Watching these social birds is very entertaining. Seeing how they cooperate with each other when taking fruit from the trees.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
From album Bird Watching in Merritt, BC
Bird watching here in Merritt, BC, grounds me. Observing how Cedar waxwings work together, passing ripe fruit from one bird to the other.
4 March 2023
2 years ago
taken in
Merritt, BC, Canada
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