Haffner Coulee Guided Hiking Tour in Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park Alberta Canada
Haffner Coulee is only accessible on the guided tours offered by Alberta Parks. Not open to the public, you must book the tour in order to view this secluded area of the park. Teeming with wildlife, it is a stunning coulee in southern Alberta with unique rock formations in the sandstone.
You'll find fossils and petroglyphs from long long ago as well as hear stories and experiences surrounding this area.
A very special and unique hike, referred to as strenuous due to the uneven terrain and hot prairie heat. I would recommend booking this Sunday morning tour if you get the chance! Only offered 1 day a week for 1 time slot and only for the months of July and August.
No children under the age of 12.
Be one of the few to hike Haffner Coulee in southern Alberta Canada
This was such an incredible place! I wish my ankle was up to this hike as it looks like it was an amazing experience. Maybe next year! Awesome videoThis was such an incredible place! I wish my ankle was up to this hike as it looks like it was an amazing experience. Maybe next year! Awesome video Andrea More ...
Cary Horning Thanks! It wasn't super easy, but not too hard at all. Even just to get to the top and look down into the coulee is breathtaking
That was a really amazing video Andrea! What an extremely cool destination! I have never heard of it before. Was that a cactus in Alberta?
Cora Lee Rennie Thanks! It is actually a UNESCO world heritage site too! Very neat place. And yes! Southern Alberta has quite a few areas where thoseCora Lee Rennie Thanks! It is actually a UNESCO world heritage site too! Very neat place. And yes! Southern Alberta has quite a few areas where those pricklypear cactus grow
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Andrea Horning actually I do recall seeing a cactus in Drumheller now that I think about it!
What an AMAZING place! On my Bucket List now too
Diana Johnson-Santos Fantastic!
Janel Coe Right! Looked like a mortal kombat movie set
Very unique area!