Ghost haunts of the prairies

The Fort Garry Hotel
9 August 2016
Winnipeg's Fort Garry Hotel is convenient for travelers with its downtown location. Some famous guests have included Queen Elizabeth, King George VI and Liberace to name just three. This grand luxury hotel was built in 1913 by the Grand Trunk...
Winnipeg's Fort Garry Hotel is convenient for travelers with its downtown location. Some famous guests have included Queen Elizabeth, King George VI and Liberace to name just three. This grand luxury hotel was built in 1913 by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. You may want to avoid room 202, however, as it is said to have a ghost of a women staying there who is often seen at the foot of the bed in a dark cloak or robe. Not for the faint of heart (if you believe in that sort of thing).
9 August 2016 ยท   8 years ago
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