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Strathmore Stampede

We're Back!!! The 55th Strathmore Stampede is home to Running with the Bulls, CPRA Pro Rodeo, and World Professional Ch...
We're Back!!!
The 55th Strathmore Stampede is home to Running with the Bulls, CPRA Pro Rodeo, and World Professional Chuckwagon races held annually on August Civic Weekend.

Gord Bamford performs Friday night & Globalfest Fireworks for your enjoyment.
Saturday is the Chuckwagons and a whole lot more!

Entertainment, Food & Fun for Everyone!
Lots of Food Trucks and a Large Beer Garden
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    Strathmore Stampede

    We're Back!!!
    The 55th Strathmore Stampede is home to Running with the Bulls, CPRA Pro Rodeo, and World Professional Chuckwagon races held annually on August Civic Weekend.

    Gord Bamford performs Friday night & Globalfest Fireworks for your enjoyment.
    Saturday is the Chuckwagons and a whole ...
    We're Back!!!
    The 55th Strathmore Stampede is home to Running with the Bulls, CPRA Pro Rodeo, and World Professional Chuckwagon races held annually on August Civic Weekend.

    Gord Bamford performs Friday night & Globalfest Fireworks for your enjoyment.
    Saturday is the Chuckwagons and a whole lot more!

    Entertainment, Food & Fun for Everyone!
    Lots of Food Trucks and a Large Beer Garden
    30th Jul, 2021 11:00AM - America/Edmonton
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