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Event Information
Event Title:
Available Light Film Festival
Event Date / Time:

4th Feb, 2022 1:00PM


21st Feb, 2022 1:00PM

Event Description:
TIFF? Pfft! ALFF is the film festival you want to be at.

The Available Light Film Festival (ALFF) has been a fixture in the territory’s cultural scene for over a decade. Every year, the festival screens the best of contemporary Canadian and international film to eager audiences in Whitehorse. From Oscar-worthy performances to future cult classics, you’re guaranteed to strike cinematic gold on the silver screens across town.

See award-winning films as they were meant to be seen, participate in educational workshops with industry professionals, and connect with fellow film-buffs at the ALFF Media Industry Forum. The festival is no stranger to celebrity guests either. Sandra Oh (Grey’s Anatomy) and Neil Diamond have made the trek north to the largest film festival above the 60th parallel. But celebrities or no celebrities, the Yukon night sky never fails to make ALFF the most naturally star-studded film festival in the world.


Whitehorse YT

Whitehorse, YT, Canada
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