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Back by popular demand! Great White Car & Truck Wash is proud to present its third annual TUNNEL OF TERROR this Hallowee...
Back by popular demand! Great White Car & Truck Wash is proud to present its third annual TUNNEL OF TERROR this Halloween for everyone looking for family friendly, hair-raising fun. Great White has partnered with Bluebird Self Storage to make this year safer and scarier with TWO haunted tunnels!

This spooktacular haunted attraction is a hybrid experience unlike any other. Prepare for a terrifying adventure while getting your vehicle scary clean!

Our incredible staff will be taking part in the fun with each brave customer getting some Halloween treats and a car wash you'll never forget!

Have you got your scare squad ready?

Tickets only $20...pay for your wash and get a scare on us! See link in our bio for tickets! Members use promo code GREATWHITE at the checkout for your complimentary ticket.
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    Tunnel of Terror - Haunted Carwash - Alberta

    Back by popular demand! Great White Car & Truck Wash is proud to present its third annual TUNNEL OF TERROR this Halloween for everyone looking for family friendly, hair-raising fun. Great White has partnered with Bluebird Self Storage to make this year safer and scarier with TWO haunted tunnels! ...
    Back by popular demand! Great White Car & Truck Wash is proud to present its third annual TUNNEL OF TERROR this Halloween for everyone looking for family friendly, hair-raising fun. Great White has partnered with Bluebird Self Storage to make this year safer and scarier with TWO haunted tunnels!

    This spooktacular haunted attraction is a hybrid experience unlike any other. Prepare for a terrifying adventure while getting your vehicle scary clean!

    Our incredible staff will be taking part in the fun with each brave customer getting some Halloween treats and a car wash you'll never forget!

    Have you got your scare squad ready?

    Tickets only $20...pay for your wash and get a scare on us! See link in our bio for tickets! Members use promo code GREATWHITE at the checkout for your complimentary ticket.
    29th Oct, 2021 7:00PM - America/Edmonton
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