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The TO Vintage Show returns to Toronto’s Exhibition Place for a two-day expo that includes Canada’s largest sale of vin...
The TO Vintage Show returns to Toronto’s Exhibition Place for a two-day expo that
includes Canada’s largest sale of vintage clothing along with hard-to-find vintage décor and antiques!

The vintage clothing is from the 1920’s -1980’s and includes handbags, jewelry and accessories.

The event is taking place from September 24th (10am-6pm) to September 25th (10am-5pm).

The entrance cost is $15 per person. A discounted pass is available for those who sign up for the VIP email list: https://www.torontovintageclothingshow.ca/discount-coupon
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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Janel Coe created a new event

    Toronto Vintage Clothing Show

    The TO Vintage Show returns to Toronto’s Exhibition Place for a two-day expo that
    includes Canada’s largest sale of vintage clothing along with hard-to-find vintage décor and antiques!

    The vintage clothing is from the 1920’s -1980’s and includes handbags, jewelry and accessories.

    The event...
    The TO Vintage Show returns to Toronto’s Exhibition Place for a two-day expo that
    includes Canada’s largest sale of vintage clothing along with hard-to-find vintage décor and antiques!

    The vintage clothing is from the 1920’s -1980’s and includes handbags, jewelry and accessories.

    The event is taking place from September 24th (10am-6pm) to September 25th (10am-5pm).

    The entrance cost is $15 per person. A discounted pass is available for those who sign up for the VIP email list: https://www.torontovintageclothingshow.ca/discount-coupon
    24th Sep, 2022 10:00AM - America/Toronto
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