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Get prepared for the Spooky Season in Victoria, British Columbia, in the days leading up to Halloween by attending the s...
Get prepared for the Spooky Season in Victoria, British Columbia, in the days leading up to Halloween by attending the symphony! The Victoria Symphony will be putting on two performances of "Music that Goes Bump in the Night". Both performances will be held at the Royal Theatre. The first one on October 29th will start at 7:30 PM and the second performance on the following day, will be an afternoon matinee concert starting at 2:30 PM.

Advertised as a "symphonic spooktacular" this concert is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine and make you jump out of your seat! This trick or treat bag of musical frights and delights will include a selection of the most chilling compositions from the concert hall and silver screen, from Saint-Saens' Danse macabre to John Williams' Jaws score.

Tickets start at $29.00 and are available online from the website below.
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    Music that goes bump in the night - Victoria Symphony

    Get prepared for the Spooky Season in Victoria, British Columbia, in the days leading up to Halloween by attending the symphony! The Victoria Symphony will be putting on two performances of "Music that Goes Bump in the Night". Both performances will be held at the Royal Theatre. The first one on ...
    Get prepared for the Spooky Season in Victoria, British Columbia, in the days leading up to Halloween by attending the symphony! The Victoria Symphony will be putting on two performances of "Music that Goes Bump in the Night". Both performances will be held at the Royal Theatre. The first one on October 29th will start at 7:30 PM and the second performance on the following day, will be an afternoon matinee concert starting at 2:30 PM.

    Advertised as a "symphonic spooktacular" this concert is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine and make you jump out of your seat! This trick or treat bag of musical frights and delights will include a selection of the most chilling compositions from the concert hall and silver screen, from Saint-Saens' Danse macabre to John Williams' Jaws score.

    Tickets start at $29.00 and are available online from the website below.
    29th Oct, 2022 7:30PM - UTC
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