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Kim Kenyon commented on this post about 1 year ago
Janel, you have such a lot of interesting things happening in your area.
Diana Mohrsen thank you! I enjoy learning about the cool events you share as well.
600 dishes, now that just sounds amazing!
Kim Kenyon right?! There are endless Indian dishes to explore, and Toronto's got a whole lot of them.
Janel Coe I understand there is a Little India district in Toronto as well. I really need to get to Toronto and check out that culture and foodJanel Coe I understand there is a Little India district in Toronto as well. I really need to get to Toronto and check out that culture and food scene--pretty incredible! More ...
Kim Kenyon yes! There is a Little India in east Toronto that's really popular and has got some amazing eats. Highly recommended.
Janel Coe Little India now added to my Toronto visit list!
I love Indian food. That would be a great festival to go to.
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