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For an incredible agricultural Fair experience, plan to visit the 2023 Erin Fall Fair on Thanksgiving Weekend in Erin, O...
For an incredible agricultural Fair experience, plan to visit the 2023 Erin Fall Fair on Thanksgiving Weekend in Erin, Ontario, Canada.
The 173rd Erin Fall Fair is a preview to the Royal Winter Fair and is 5 days of family fun so mark your calendar and we will see you at the Fair!

Schedule of Events
Thursday, October 5th
5:00 pm
5:00-11:00 pm
All Rides and Admission $2
6:00-9:00 pm
Hall open to receive exhibits (Exhibits Hall)

Friday, October 6th
4:00 pm
4:00 pm-11:00 pm
7 hours for only $40
6:00 pm
Tractor Pull (Track)
6:30 pm
Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
7:00 pm
Ambassador Competition (Exhibits Hall)
7:00 pm
Dufferin County Line (Festival Gardens)
8:00 pm
The Rogersons (Exhibits Hall)

Saturday, October 7th
9:00 am
Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
Gaited Horse Show (Track Ring)
Hunter/Jumper Show (N. Horse Ring)
Vintage Tractor Show (S. of Festival Gardens)

10:00 a-11:00 am ONLY
10:00 am
Mystic Drumz - Farmtastic Soundz (Exhibits Hall)
The Fire Guy (Outdoor Stage)
Jersey Show (Show Barn)
Goat Show (Agri-Dome)
11:00 am
Baby Show (Exhibits Hall)
Kids Pedal Pull (Outdoor Stage)
12:00 pm
Naomi Bristow, The Singin' Cowgirl (Exhibits Hall)
Mystic Drumz - Farmtastic Soundz (Outdoor Stage)
12:30 pm
Horse Pull (Track)
1:00 pm
4-H'ers Little Royal (Show Barn)
Young At Heart Singers (Exhibits Hall)
The Fire Guy (Outdoor Stage)
2:00 pm
Naomi Bristow, The Singin' Cowgirl (Outdoor Stage)
Bryce Butcher (Exhibits Hall)
3:00 pm
Mystic Drumz - Farmtastic Soundz (Exhibits Hall)
The Fire Guy (Outdoor Stage)
4:00 pm
Naomi Bristow, The Singin' Cowgirl (Exhibits Hall)
5:00 pm
Truck Pull (Track)
7:00 pm
The Mudmen (Festival Gardens)
The Fitzgeralds (Exhibits Hall)

Sunday, October 8th
8:30 am
Ponies - Welsh & Open (Track Ring)
8:45 am - Extreme Cowboy Race (N. Horse Ring)
9:00 - Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
Registration Beef Show (Show Barn)
9:30 am
Beef Peewee Showman (Show Barn)
Open Sheep Show (Agri-Dome)
Heavy Horse & Haflinger Show (Track)
10:00 am-11:00 am ONLY
10:00 am
Erin 4-H Beef Achievement (Show Barn)
Birds of Prey (Outdoor Stage)
All Beef Breeds Show (Show Barn)
11:00 am
Yvette The Puppet Lady (Exhibits Hall)
Kids Pedal Pull (Outdoor Stage)
12:00 pm
Bryce Butcher (Outdoor Stage)
Orangeville Show Chorus (Exhibits Hall)
1:00 pm
Erin 4-H Beef Interclub Show (Show Barn)
Ambassador Cake Auction (Exhibits Hall)
Birds of Prey (Outdoor Stage)
2:00 pm
Yvette The Puppet Lady (Outdoor Stage)
Orangeville Show Chorus (Exhibits Hall)
3:00 pm
Paula Turnbull, Opera Singer (Exhibits Hall)
Birds of Prey (Outdoor Stage)
4:00 pm
Farmers and Kids Olympics (Outdoor Stage)
Yvette The Puppet Lady (Exhibits Hall)
5:30 pm
Lawn Tractor Pull (Track)
7:00 pm
Aaron Muir Band (Exhibits Hall)
Transistor Radio (Festival Gardens)
9:00 pm
Fireworks (Track)

Monday, October 9th
9:00 am
Mimosa 4-H Poultry Show (Agri-Dome)
9:30 am
Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
Open Horse Show (N. Horse Ring)
Rabbit and Cavy Show (Show Barn)
10:00 am
EDHS Band (Exhibits Hall)
11:00 am
Mika McCairley (Exhibits Hall)
Speaking of Wildlife (Outdoor Stage)
12:00 pm
Children's Cookie Decorating (Exhibits Hall)
Blue Bonnet Lassies School of Highland Dance (Outdoor Stage)
1:00 pm
Demolition Derby (Track)
Johnny Cash Tribute (Exhibits Hall)
Speaking of Wildlife (Outdoor Stage)
2:00 pm
Mika McCairley (Outdoor Stage)
3:00 pm
Speaking of Wildlife (Outdoor Stage)
3:30 pm
Exhibits Hall Closes
Cafe/Country Store closes
4:00 pm
Presentation of Special Awards (Outdoor Stage)
4:15 pm
50/50 Lottery Draw (Outdoor Stage)
4:30 pm
Midway, Festival Gardens & Fairgrounds Close

Debit or credit only.
NO CASH SALES available.
Adult (ages 13+): $18.00
Children (ages 5-12): $8.00
Children under 5: Free
Thursday Toonie Night:
Admission is $2
4-H Members: Free
* When presenting 2023 membership card

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    Cary Horning created a new event

    Erin Fall Fair 2023 - Erin, Ontario, Canada

    For an incredible agricultural Fair experience, plan to visit the 2023 Erin Fall Fair on Thanksgiving Weekend in Erin, Ontario, Canada.
    The 173rd Erin Fall Fair is a preview to the Royal Winter Fair and is 5 days of family fun so mark your calendar and we will see you at the Fair!

    Schedule of...
    For an incredible agricultural Fair experience, plan to visit the 2023 Erin Fall Fair on Thanksgiving Weekend in Erin, Ontario, Canada.
    The 173rd Erin Fall Fair is a preview to the Royal Winter Fair and is 5 days of family fun so mark your calendar and we will see you at the Fair!

    Schedule of Events
    Thursday, October 5th
    5:00 pm
    5:00-11:00 pm
    All Rides and Admission $2
    6:00-9:00 pm
    Hall open to receive exhibits (Exhibits Hall)

    Friday, October 6th
    4:00 pm
    4:00 pm-11:00 pm
    7 hours for only $40
    6:00 pm
    Tractor Pull (Track)
    6:30 pm
    Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
    7:00 pm
    Ambassador Competition (Exhibits Hall)
    7:00 pm
    Dufferin County Line (Festival Gardens)
    8:00 pm
    The Rogersons (Exhibits Hall)

    Saturday, October 7th
    9:00 am
    Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
    Gaited Horse Show (Track Ring)
    Hunter/Jumper Show (N. Horse Ring)
    Vintage Tractor Show (S. of Festival Gardens)

    10:00 a-11:00 am ONLY
    10:00 am
    Mystic Drumz - Farmtastic Soundz (Exhibits Hall)
    The Fire Guy (Outdoor Stage)
    Jersey Show (Show Barn)
    Goat Show (Agri-Dome)
    11:00 am
    Baby Show (Exhibits Hall)
    Kids Pedal Pull (Outdoor Stage)
    12:00 pm
    Naomi Bristow, The Singin' Cowgirl (Exhibits Hall)
    Mystic Drumz - Farmtastic Soundz (Outdoor Stage)
    12:30 pm
    Horse Pull (Track)
    1:00 pm
    4-H'ers Little Royal (Show Barn)
    Young At Heart Singers (Exhibits Hall)
    The Fire Guy (Outdoor Stage)
    2:00 pm
    Naomi Bristow, The Singin' Cowgirl (Outdoor Stage)
    Bryce Butcher (Exhibits Hall)
    3:00 pm
    Mystic Drumz - Farmtastic Soundz (Exhibits Hall)
    The Fire Guy (Outdoor Stage)
    4:00 pm
    Naomi Bristow, The Singin' Cowgirl (Exhibits Hall)
    5:00 pm
    Truck Pull (Track)
    7:00 pm
    The Mudmen (Festival Gardens)
    The Fitzgeralds (Exhibits Hall)

    Sunday, October 8th
    8:30 am
    Ponies - Welsh & Open (Track Ring)
    8:45 am - Extreme Cowboy Race (N. Horse Ring)
    9:00 - Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
    Registration Beef Show (Show Barn)
    9:30 am
    Beef Peewee Showman (Show Barn)
    Open Sheep Show (Agri-Dome)
    Heavy Horse & Haflinger Show (Track)
    10:00 am-11:00 am ONLY
    10:00 am
    Erin 4-H Beef Achievement (Show Barn)
    Birds of Prey (Outdoor Stage)
    All Beef Breeds Show (Show Barn)
    11:00 am
    Yvette The Puppet Lady (Exhibits Hall)
    Kids Pedal Pull (Outdoor Stage)
    12:00 pm
    Bryce Butcher (Outdoor Stage)
    Orangeville Show Chorus (Exhibits Hall)
    1:00 pm
    Erin 4-H Beef Interclub Show (Show Barn)
    Ambassador Cake Auction (Exhibits Hall)
    Birds of Prey (Outdoor Stage)
    2:00 pm
    Yvette The Puppet Lady (Outdoor Stage)
    Orangeville Show Chorus (Exhibits Hall)
    3:00 pm
    Paula Turnbull, Opera Singer (Exhibits Hall)
    Birds of Prey (Outdoor Stage)
    4:00 pm
    Farmers and Kids Olympics (Outdoor Stage)
    Yvette The Puppet Lady (Exhibits Hall)
    5:30 pm
    Lawn Tractor Pull (Track)
    7:00 pm
    Aaron Muir Band (Exhibits Hall)
    Transistor Radio (Festival Gardens)
    9:00 pm
    Fireworks (Track)

    Monday, October 9th
    9:00 am
    Mimosa 4-H Poultry Show (Agri-Dome)
    9:30 am
    Cafe/Country Store opens (Exhibits Hall)
    Open Horse Show (N. Horse Ring)
    Rabbit and Cavy Show (Show Barn)
    10:00 am
    EDHS Band (Exhibits Hall)
    11:00 am
    Mika McCairley (Exhibits Hall)
    Speaking of Wildlife (Outdoor Stage)
    12:00 pm
    Children's Cookie Decorating (Exhibits Hall)
    Blue Bonnet Lassies School of Highland Dance (Outdoor Stage)
    1:00 pm
    Demolition Derby (Track)
    Johnny Cash Tribute (Exhibits Hall)
    Speaking of Wildlife (Outdoor Stage)
    2:00 pm
    Mika McCairley (Outdoor Stage)
    3:00 pm
    Speaking of Wildlife (Outdoor Stage)
    3:30 pm
    Exhibits Hall Closes
    Cafe/Country Store closes
    4:00 pm
    Presentation of Special Awards (Outdoor Stage)
    4:15 pm
    50/50 Lottery Draw (Outdoor Stage)
    4:30 pm
    Midway, Festival Gardens & Fairgrounds Close

    Debit or credit only.
    NO CASH SALES available.
    Adult (ages 13+): $18.00
    Children (ages 5-12): $8.00
    Children under 5: Free
    Thursday Toonie Night:
    Admission is $2
    4-H Members: Free
    * When presenting 2023 membership card

    5th Oct, 2023 4:00PM - America/Toronto
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