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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Bentley Farmers' Market 2022

    The Bentley Farmers' Market is home to a large variety of vendors.

    The Bentley Farmers' Market runs May long weekend until September long weekend, Saturdays 2pm-4pm.

    From Alberta-grown fresh produce to the most delicious cherries that BC has to offer, home made baking to everything pickled ...
    The Bentley Farmers' Market is home to a large variety of vendors.

    The Bentley Farmers' Market runs May long weekend until September long weekend, Saturdays 2pm-4pm.

    From Alberta-grown fresh produce to the most delicious cherries that BC has to offer, home made baking to everything pickled and preserved, gorgeous homemade jewelry to artisan crafted bath and beauty products, we have something for everyone and so much more!!

    We are a small town with a big heart and our Big Market proves it!!

    25th Jun, 2022 2:00PM - America/Edmonton
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