•   Cary Horning reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Kim Kenyon created a new poll
    Planes, Trains and Automobiles - What is your favorite mode of travel when there is choice?
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    • That's a very good question, and quite difficult to answer for me. But ultimately I went with automobile. It can take me anywhere
      2nd would beThat's a very good question, and quite difficult to answer for me. But ultimately I went with automobile. It can take me anywhere
      2nd would be Airplane...for the speed and convenience
        More ...
    • Arbo Burberry
      I picked automobile as I really enjoy crossing boarders between provinces & countries
    • I think my answer is obvious after 5000+ km of hiking in Europe and 11,500 km on the Trans Canada Trail here in Canada ....so trekking.
    • Thank you so much for your time everyone! I was interested in the idea of the different types of travel. I have friends who RV and they go to theThank you so much for your time everyone! I was interested in the idea of the different types of travel. I have friends who RV and they go to the same place every year and they form a community there, similar to folks I know who sail and all meet up off Sidney Spit. RV, trailer, tent, sail -- camping. and destination focused as are cruises and resorts. However, traveling by car, hiking, is more about the journey, as arriving at the destination often signifies the end of the trip as opposed to the former where it is the beginning with arrival. My favorites are: road trips, exploring small communities, hiking or paddling in the great outdoors and when enough funds are saved up I LOVE to take a plane to a very large complicated city and then just get lost! Thanks again   More ...
    • Sorry I missed this poll. Not big on trains or planes. To much sitting around and no control of itinerary. So I would go with trek and the Maple LeafSorry I missed this poll. Not big on trains or planes. To much sitting around and no control of itinerary. So I would go with trek and the Maple Leaf Bomber (RV).   More ...
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