Tourism Nicola Valley - Merritt BC reacted to this post about 1 year ago
They have this in Vancouver too but I haven't been. It looks magical!
Diana Mohrsen it does look magical. This is our first one. I am looking forward to it and hoping that I'll be allowed to get some photos.
Diana Mohrsen I have noted the ones in Vancouver too! I will let you know when I find one to go too and will give you the head's up in case you wouldDiana Mohrsen I have noted the ones in Vancouver too! I will let you know when I find one to go too and will give you the head's up in case you would like to do a dual review! A couple of them I noted have been held in the historical churches downtown which would really add to atmosphere! More ...
This is really neat, I'd love to experience it!
Janel Coe I'll check it out and let you know how it goes.
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