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  •   Kim Kenyon reacted to this post about 3 weeks ago
    Anja Cahill created a new event

    Winter in the Wild Festival at Algonquin Park, Ontario

    This family-friendly festival celebrates winter in Algonquin Park through indoor and outdoor events held at various locations throughout the Highway 60 Corridor of Algonquin Park, including many at the Algonquin Park Visitor Centre. All activities are free with the purchase of a valid park permit...
    This family-friendly festival celebrates winter in Algonquin Park through indoor and outdoor events held at various locations throughout the Highway 60 Corridor of Algonquin Park, including many at the Algonquin Park Visitor Centre. All activities are free with the purchase of a valid park permit. Take part in snowshoeing, winter camping demonstrations, winter bird walk, ice skating, or a night walk! BBQ at Mew Lake Campground. For more details check out algonquinpark.on.ca
    15th Feb, 2025 - UTC
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