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  • EH Canada : Support featured this event

    "EH? Travel Talk Show" with special guest Professor Ken Coates - University of Saskatchewan

    EH Travel Talk LogoSpecial guest Professor Ken Coates, University of Saskatchewan, discusses Tourism and Technology in COVID; Rural and Urban Divide in Canada, Experiences Education, & Rural Canada Challenges and Opportunities with the "EH? Team Brothers" on their live show "EH? Travel Talk Show". The Brothers are l...

    EH Travel Talk LogoSpecial guest Professor Ken Coates, University of Saskatchewan, discusses Tourism and Technology in COVID; Rural and Urban Divide in Canada, Experiences Education, & Rural Canada Challenges and Opportunities with the "EH? Team Brothers" on their live show "EH? Travel Talk Show". The Brothers are live every Tuesday at 7 PM (pst) on Facebook Live.

    28th Apr, 2020 7:00PM
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