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  •   Andrea Horning reacted to this post about 3 years ago
    Samantha Sewell created a new event

    Caravan Farm Theatre, Walk of Terror

    The Caravan Farm Theater is back with their fan-favourite Halloween Walk of Terror!
    A terrifying immersive walk through their field with performers from the Kelowna circus performers, star vocal cast, and more.
    Sanitized MP3 players will be handed out for this event, you won't be able to hear...
    The Caravan Farm Theater is back with their fan-favourite Halloween Walk of Terror!
    A terrifying immersive walk through their field with performers from the Kelowna circus performers, star vocal cast, and more.
    Sanitized MP3 players will be handed out for this event, you won't be able to hear your party don't the terrifying music and soundtrack provided.

    Important Notes:
    Tickets must be purchased ahead of time!
    This event is NOT suitable for children under 13
    It is an outdoor event so the terrain may be uneven and forested paths.
    Proof of Vaccine WILL be required to enter, From September 13, 2021: Proof of partial vaccination (1st dose) is required, From October 24, 2021: Proof of full vaccination (2 doses, at least 7 days prior) is required.
    8th Oct, 2021 6:00PM - America/Dawson_Creek
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