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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 3 years ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Haunted Corn Trail 2021

    If you are looking for the perfect event to get you in the Halloween mood, you have to try the haunted Corn Trail. This is a 30 minute walk in our haunted corn tail. We will have multiple haunters at every corner and we hope you will make it out alive. This event is 4 NIGHTS ONLY. You need ...
    If you are looking for the perfect event to get you in the Halloween mood, you have to try the haunted Corn Trail. This is a 30 minute walk in our haunted corn tail. We will have multiple haunters at every corner and we hope you will make it out alive. This event is 4 NIGHTS ONLY. You need to be on-site by 9:30PM. Our last tickets will be sold by 10PM. This is an "adult" haunt, and not recommended for kids ages 13 and under. This is an outdoor event, so dress according to the weather. You can buy tickets on-line or tickets will be sold at the gate if we do not sell out online.
    22nd Oct, 2021 7:00PM - UTC
    • Looks neat...haunters at every corner in a 30 minute walk is a lot spookiness!
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