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  • Cary Horning created a new event

    Nightmare Avenue Haunted House

    Nightmare Avenue is an annual Haunted House dedicated to giving you the scariest experience you could ever imagine.
    Located at 21 Main Street Neuanlage, Saskatchewan.

    Free to enter! Donations are accepted.

    For those of you coming from Saskatoon and area, we are North of Warman but before H...
    Nightmare Avenue is an annual Haunted House dedicated to giving you the scariest experience you could ever imagine.
    Located at 21 Main Street Neuanlage, Saskatchewan.

    Free to enter! Donations are accepted.

    For those of you coming from Saskatoon and area, we are North of Warman but before Hague. Take the south entrance into Neuanlage. We will be right on that road. (Follow signs)
    15th Oct, 2021 7:00PM - America/Regina
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