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Muscovy Duck in my backyard Merritt, BC. This morning we had a visitor perched on our fence. Thinking it was a goose of some kind, and wondering where it came from. While thinking of dinner, stuffing, and all the fixings for a moment. I soon realized this beautiful bird was not wild but domesticated. Surely, someone was missing this large bird here in the Nicola Valley. BC Albeit, the goose turned out to be a duck, a large duck known as a "Muscovy. Duck." As it turns out, Muscovy Ducks make great pets. easily trained, affectionate, and also love to cuddle. Learning that these beautiful birds are omnivores, and love vegetables make it easy to love them. Living here in Merritt, BC Canada is never boring, especially when a feathered friend drops in. Most important, the Muscovy Duck is safe and snug at home.