Hike Haliburton Festival Winter 2025 Snoeshoeing Into Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park On The Ganaraska Trail
Hike Haliburton Festival Winter 2025 On The Ganaraska Trail
Hiking In The Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands On The Ganaraska Trail
On Saturday February 1 st I had the great privilege to go on a hike with a group for hike Haliburton Festival 2025 which included 2 hiking leaders from the Ganaraska Hiking Trail membership. I cannot say how grateful I am for these people who care and look after the trails and take time out of their busy lives to organize these hikes for Hike Haliburton and to educate people along the way on trash in trash out, how to follow blazes and what to do in emergencies. We have allot of new visitors in Ontario and it is key to educate these people so we can all enjoy the trail together and keep them safe and clean from human waste and garbage. More and more people are using the trails every year both old visitors to the province and new and it is more important now then it ever was to have these great supporters of hiking trails across Ontario donating their time looking after the trails for us to use.