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Train Spotting on the Bow Valley Parkway in Banff National Park Alberta Canada

The Bow Valley Parkway is a popular destination for train enthusiasts, mainly for the famous Morant's Curve. Additionally, just east of Morant's Curve is the Storm Mountain Day Use area and it is set up for some awesome train spotting. The picnic tables are just up above the train tracks so when the trains do go by they are almost under your feet! A neat bird's-eye view of the trains in Banff National Park Alberta Canada 

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  • Ooh this is so cool. Love trains.
  • Janel Coe I know a few people who love trains as well. Certainly made me think of them when I realized how this day use area is set up. Very coolJanel Coe I know a few people who love trains as well. Certainly made me think of them when I realized how this day use area is set up. Very cool spot for train lovers   More ...
  • This is awesome! I like counting train cars when in train country and stopped at a crossing or just hanging out nearby.
  • Kim Kenyon This is definitely a wonderful spot for counting train cars
  • I always wanted to go on a train ride through Banff! I bet you would see bears! I’m terrified of Grizzly bears!
  • Cora Lee Rennie There is a newer train experience with a clear roof that takes you through the mountains. You'd probably enjoy that adventure! SafeCora Lee Rennie There is a newer train experience with a clear roof that takes you through the mountains. You'd probably enjoy that adventure! Safe from the bears, but you might still see them   More ...
  • Andrea Horning oh wow! That sounds amazing! A train ride through the Rocky Mountains with a clear glass roof so you can star gaze or even search forAndrea Horning oh wow! That sounds amazing! A train ride through the Rocky Mountains with a clear glass roof so you can star gaze or even search for the Northern Lights! Amazing!   More ...
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