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Janet Guthrie commented on this post about 1 year ago
Has anyone tried dog-sledding?
Kim Kenyon No but it is on the Bucket List! I think it would be a blast.
Cary Horning Alright! Let me know when you reach this one on your bucket list and I will join you! Any others?
Kim Kenyon I have, it is amazing! It is so peaceful and quiet yet exhilarating. This is a must-do experience.
Kim Kenyon No, but i would love to try one day!
I have heard great things about this festival. It is on our list of Canadian festivals to experience.
Janet Guthrie l have a friend in The Pas. Let me know when you get to this one on your list!
Cary Horning will do!
Dog sledding is a must do activity.
Greg Girard l think it would be a blast...on my bucket list
Greg Girard I agree
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