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  •   Sonya Richmond reacted to this post about 3 years ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Regina Santa Claus Parade 2021

    35th Annual Santa Claus Parade in Regina Saskatchewan

    At this year's Santa Claus Parade Canada Post will have mailboxes set up along the parade route for children to leave their letters to Santa.

    Parade route starts at Wheaton Kia then heads north up Albert St to Northgate Mall.

    35th Annual Santa Claus Parade in Regina Saskatchewan

    At this year's Santa Claus Parade Canada Post will have mailboxes set up along the parade route for children to leave their letters to Santa.

    Parade route starts at Wheaton Kia then heads north up Albert St to Northgate Mall.

    Proudly sponsored by Wheaton Kia

    Santa will be there to bring in some holiday cheer, as well as many festive floats.
    28th Nov, 2021 11:00AM - America/Edmonton
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