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Vulcan Spock Days 2022

  •   Sonya Richmond commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Vulcan Spock Days 2022

    Spock Days is an annual community event held the second weekend in June in the town of Vulcan, Alberta, the "Star Trek Capital of the World".

    There is always a parade, ball tournament, family fun fair, dunk tank, beer gardens, and concession but each year there is something new to check out an...
    Spock Days is an annual community event held the second weekend in June in the town of Vulcan, Alberta, the "Star Trek Capital of the World".

    There is always a parade, ball tournament, family fun fair, dunk tank, beer gardens, and concession but each year there is something new to check out and please everyone of all ages.
    If you're looking for a fun-filled family weekend, beam on down to Vulcan, located in Southern Alberta, Canada for our famous "Spock Days Weekend".
    10th Jun, 2022 11:00AM - America/Edmonton
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