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  •   EH Canada Marketing Group commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Percy DeWolfe Memorial Mail Race 2023, Dawson City, Yukon

    Come to Dawson City, Yukon on March 9th, 2023 for The Percy DeWolfe Memorial Mail Race which began in 1977 to honor Percy DeWolfe, who bravely carried mail by dog team, horse, and boat, over 200 miles (321 km) between Dawson City, YT, and Eagle, AK, from 1910 to 1949.
    Percy, without fail, carrie...
    Come to Dawson City, Yukon on March 9th, 2023 for The Percy DeWolfe Memorial Mail Race which began in 1977 to honor Percy DeWolfe, who bravely carried mail by dog team, horse, and boat, over 200 miles (321 km) between Dawson City, YT, and Eagle, AK, from 1910 to 1949.
    Percy, without fail, carried the mail in summer and winter through all kinds of weather, road, and river conditions. He was known as 'The Iron Man of the North'.
    The 10:00 am start time is in honor of Percy.
    The first musher to 'follow Percy' at 10:02 am will carry a bag of mail from Dawson City to Eagle and you can be a part of this Memorial Race. You can purchase an official Percy DeWolf letter which will be sent with that first bag of mail!
    Come cheer on the mushers!

    9th Mar, 2023 - America/Dawson
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