Cary Horning commented on this post about 1 year ago
Lilacs are my favorite flower. But June seems late for lilacs. Would I expect to see lilacs then?
Diana Mohrsen Yes Lilacs are out in June in Alberta. Back in Ontario our lilacs were out in May and faded quickly, here in Alberta they come outDiana Mohrsen Yes Lilacs are out in June in Alberta. Back in Ontario our lilacs were out in May and faded quickly, here in Alberta they come out later and last much longer, much to my delight! More ...
Cary Horning Well, if they last longer, I'm all in favor of a later start!
Lilac varieties common in gardens here on the west coast start blooming in late April and are usually finished a month later. May is the peak of theLilac varieties common in gardens here on the west coast start blooming in late April and are usually finished a month later. May is the peak of the season -- the Ontario experience! I understand lilacs like a cold winter for blooming which both Alberta and Ontario provide. They start blooming earlier here due to the milder winters and also more likely due to the variety. To me, lilacs symbolize spring and I just love their fragrance. I always stop to smell the lilacs when out for a walk or run around this time of year. You are right Cary; they fade so quickly. I guess that just means for June we should visit Alberta! More ...
That must smell fantastic! I love lilacs too
Sonya Richmond Lilacs are my favorite and l wish they were a whole summer flower ...can never get enough of their incredible scent.
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