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Experience the rich and authentic flavors of Indigenous cuisine at Tea-N-Bannock in Toronto, Ontario

By Diana Johnson-Santos in Ontario 714 views 22nd Oct, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   1294 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON M4L 1Y7, Canada

Tea-N-Bannock in Toronto is your go-to spot for unique indigenous flavours and cultural fusion. Indulge in a culinary adventure and savour the rich, diverse tastes that make Tea-N-Bannock a must-visit Native American restaurant for food enthusiasts and cultural explorers alike.

'Ban'ik' (bannock) is the traditional bread of the First Nations of North America.

During our culinary adventure, we enjoyed a tasty array of dishes, including Bannock with Wild Blueberry Jam, Trapper's Snack, Corn Soup with Pork, Bison Burger, and the standout favourite, the Navajo Taco.

Open Thurs - Sat only.

Dare to try something refreshingly different at Tea-N-Bannock.

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