Black bear on 2024 road trip to Bella Coola
During my recent road trip to Bella Coola, I was fortunate enough to spot this black bear beside the road on British Columbia Highway 20 near Anahim Lake. The dandelions were just ready to bloom in this area, already in full bloom in some other areas. Bears love to feast on dandelions each spring. I used the zoom lens on my cellphone to record this tasty meal. Should I mention that I stayed safely inside my car and kept some distance so as not to disturb the bear.
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That's a big black bear! Cool video
Andrea Horning It is so special to see wildlife.
Chunky Bear! It is always such a thrill to see Bears!
That is one healthy bear.
EH Canada Marketing Group Thanks for that insight. I hadn't thought about that but it is a good sized bear.