Glow Around the World in Calgary Alberta
A magical holiday light show in Calgary Alberta. Over a million lights, 6 countries to visit, princesses and superheroes, an indoor playground and so so much more! We went for the little adventure seekers 2nd birthday and she had a blast! Fun for the whole family at Glow Around the World Calgary
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What a great video. I'm wanting to ask how you created it. Absolutely great!
Diana Mohrsen Thanks. There are so many options for video creator apps on my phone. I think this one was vimeo
Andrea Horning Thanks, I'll check it out.
Wow! What a magical looking place!
Sonya Richmond It was really impressive. And super nice that it was indoors
This is fantastic! I bet the kids loved it. It was magical!
Kelly Francois We absolutely loved it! Every kid there looked like they were having a blast. Majority of the adults too
Andrea Horning you really captured the spirit of the season in this video!
Janel Coe Thank you! It was a magical place for sure
Great music selection for your video too!
Kim Kenyon Thanks!