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Visit with a Sloth!

By Andrea Horning in Alberta 1287 views 24th Feb, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   20 Roundup Way SE, Calgary, AB T2G 2W1, Canada

If you've ever wanted to visit, pet and even feed a real live sloth, the Calgary Boat and Outdoor Show might be an unexpected place to do that! But I would say this cutie was a star of the show!

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  • How cute is this!
  • Never seen one in the wild? Does anyone know where their habitat is?
  • EH Canada Marketing Group They are our southern friends in central and South America. High in the trees of the rainforests
  • That is so cool! Not someone you would expect to run into at a boat show!
  • Not sure the sloth would appreciate all the people and noise.
  • Diana Mohrsen Apparently she is quite fond of people as she has been raised around them her whole life
  • WOW a sloth that is moving and surprisingly quickly! I have only seen them at zoos and at the Vancouver Aquarium which used to have one in itsWOW a sloth that is moving and surprisingly quickly! I have only seen them at zoos and at the Vancouver Aquarium which used to have one in its tropics gallery. Each time I would go to the aquarium I would go to the sloth exhibit and try to find the sloth in the trees and then I would wait and wait. Nothing would happen, so then I would go and see some of the other exhibits, come back, and still there would be no change. Finally, I would see the remainder of the exhibits and return, the sloth would still be in the same place. It seemed it was always happy to hang upside down on a branch, I believe the majority of the sloth species are nocturnal, so it was most likely sleeping. I did want it to wake up though, as I wanted to see just how slowly it would move.   More ...
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