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The Yorkton Exhibition Association is proud to be hosting the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association fo...
The Yorkton Exhibition Association is proud to be hosting the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association for 3 days of Chariot & Chuckwagon fun and excitement!
A great time for the whole family so come on out and enjoy the races and our new Legacy Co-Op Grandstand.
Hope to see you July 16th to 18th, 2021
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    Yorkton Exhibition Association Presents the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Races

    The Yorkton Exhibition Association is proud to be hosting the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association for 3 days of Chariot & Chuckwagon fun and excitement!
    A great time for the whole family so come on out and enjoy the races and our new Legacy Co-Op Grandstand.
    Hope to see you ...
    The Yorkton Exhibition Association is proud to be hosting the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association for 3 days of Chariot & Chuckwagon fun and excitement!
    A great time for the whole family so come on out and enjoy the races and our new Legacy Co-Op Grandstand.
    Hope to see you July 16th to 18th, 2021
    16th Jul, 2021 6:00PM - America/Edmonton
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