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  •   Sonya Richmond reacted to this post about 3 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Yorkton Exhibition Association Presents the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Races

    The Yorkton Exhibition Association is proud to be hosting the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association for 3 days of Chariot & Chuckwagon fun and excitement!
    A great time for the whole family so come on out and enjoy the races and our new Legacy Co-Op Grandstand.
    Hope to see you ...
    The Yorkton Exhibition Association is proud to be hosting the Eastern Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association for 3 days of Chariot & Chuckwagon fun and excitement!
    A great time for the whole family so come on out and enjoy the races and our new Legacy Co-Op Grandstand.
    Hope to see you July 16th to 18th, 2021
    16th Jul, 2021 6:00PM - America/Edmonton
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