This was part of my view at Boxer Albertan Kitchen and Bar. The longer you look at this mural the lesser hidden nuggets you'll find. It is called Enjoy Chicago, or at least that is what I call it because that is what the top of it says....
This was part of my view at Boxer Albertan Kitchen and Bar. The longer you look at this mural the lesser hidden nuggets you'll find. It is called Enjoy Chicago, or at least that is what I call it because that is what the top of it says. Interestingly, most of the smaller images are about Cuba though. There are many images of Cuba's famous vintage cars, a guy dressed like Che Guerva, drinking a bottle of capitalism. Instead of a beret he has lampshade on his head. Admittedly, the message in that bit was lost on me. Also, on his shirt it looks like it says Ernie...however if you look closely, you can make out part of a letter 'B', so maybe it actually says Bernie.
20 January 2024 ·   1 year ago taken in   10315 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 2C6, Canada
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